Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Top Ten Things I Miss (Part II)

5) Mexican Food.
Oh what i wouldn't give right now for some nachos and an enchilada. Oh. Now that's comfort food. There are a few Mexican restaurants here, but they seem to exist only to prove how superior Italian food is to all others. Tacos. Quesadillas. Mhmm.

4) The Great Outdoors.
Sleeping on the ground. No electricity. No cellphones. No running water. Italians would call this a worst case scenario. I call it camping. Try as i might to explain that an activity such as this can be enjoyable, they simply do not understand it. Given, its freezing cold here for most of the year, and it breaks the two essential rules of Italian culture: It does not involve designer clothes or fine food. so that's pretty much out here.

3) Food That You Can Only Get in America.
Oreos. Granola. Greek Yogurt. A Feltner Burger. I really, really, really, miss my extra-crunchy peanut butter.

2) TV
Italian TV. I shudder even to think....guys, its terrible. Just terrible. I try to spend as little time as possible as i can in front of the dreaded little black box. There are however, those few moments just before dinner where the nightly news is all but inescapable. It seems as if all the news stations here are in competition to see who can spend the least amount of time actually reporting the news. The nightly "news" usually includes a lengthy piece on fashion, represented in a photo montage of actresses wearing as little as possible. Celebrity relationships have a higher priority than minor world events, like lets say, anything outside George Clooney's love life. Names like Robbie Williams, Julia Roberts, and Gisele are more well known than those of international leaders. And you can just forget Italian TV shows. The acting, ugh. I don't speak perfect Italian, but even i can tell the scripts could use a little work. Fortunately, Italy possess many other charms outside of its less than desirable television programming.

1) Fayettevile.
Nuff Said.

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