Monday, November 15, 2010

Top Ten Things I Miss (part 1)

For all you concerned readers out there - this is not a sign of homesickness - I merely wish to make known Ten Things which Italia, though beautiful, lacks. I have not included friends or family, as those things are given (of course I miss you guys! if you were on the list - you'd probably even be above oreos!) As you will notice, most of the things are food - and yes, i realize i am living in a country that prides itself on cuisine, but still, there's a lot to be said for comfort foods.

10) Microwave Popcorn
Its not a thing here. Just like renting movies on lazy Friday nights isn't a thing. What am i supposed to eat when I'm relaxing and watching a movie, spaghetti? I don't think so. I could really use some Butter Lovers right now.

9) Wearing sweat pants in public.
Don't even think about leaving the house unless you dressed head to toe in acceptable apparel, this being Prada, Dolce and Gabana, Cavalli, etc. This does not include sweats and hoodies, however comfy they may be.

8) Country Music.
I will regret I ever said this, but i find myself craving the nostalgia that comes with a whiny voice crooning with a guitar about some long lost love in a grossly over-done accent. Whereas I was used to accidently stumbling over at least three country stations aday on the radio back home, that ain't gonna happen hur partner.

7) Big, Fake, American Coffe.
I know, I know, Italy has the best coffee in the world right? Then why do i find myself longing for an Arsaga's grande espresso mocha, big enough to carry around with me all morning. I honestly do like the coffe here - its strong and quick, but I miss being able to carry around my big cup in its sleeve, and slowly sipping the sweet drink all morning long.

6) Dreadlocks.
Its not just people with dreadlocks that I miss, its just the diversity that dreadlocks are usually a tell-tale sign of. I go to a scientific highschool, italian suburbia at its finest. Coming from a FHS where there were people from literaly all corners of the earth and from all walks of life (including a girl who everyday dressed like a cat - now that's the kind of diversity id like to see!) populating the school. People who eat different. People who listen to different kinds of music. People who dress different. And as wonderful as Italia is, its really missing that most charming element of diversity.

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