Monday, February 21, 2011

In Fair Verona Where We Lay Our Scene

Fair Verona, City of Love, and setting of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.  Valentine's Day destination for couples of all ages, and the occasional rogue group of exchange students. It was here that me and three friends found ourselves on the 14th of February.
The entirety of the medieval city was plastered in images of hearts, cupids, and roses. Pink heart-shaped balloons were scattered throughout the city streets, a pathway consisting of red hearts led to a heart-shaped Valentine's Day market. Vendors hawking every amorous artifact from chocolates to jewelry filled the piazza watched by a statue of Dante that had been rather humorously adorned with balloons for the occasion.  This exaggerated atmosphere of romance (though albeit rather obnoxious) did not deter me in my quest to explore the city.
Firstly, there was the centuries old arena. A coliseum so well preserved that it is Italy's oldest continuing performance arts theater, and one of Verona's less romantic features (for all but the ancient architecture-adoring exchange student). Then there is Juliet's balcony, famous for its crucial role in the drama of Romeo and Juliet. (Fun fact: Juliet's balcony is actually a used sarcophagus - kinda takes the romance out of it, doesn't it?) Juliet's courtyard was bursting with couples and singletons imploring for Juliet's help in the form of a posted letter. Men stood in line to grope the famous statue as groups of women hovered around the walls waitng to post their desperate letters.
We stopped for panini at an outdoor cafe situated in a back alleyway, and as we sat munching our panini and enjoying capuchini, I couldnt remember ever feeling less alone on Valentine's Day, surrounded by friends in an ancient city, enfatuated by the beauty surrounding us.

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