Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat....Maybe Both

Trick or Treating isn't a thing in Italy. Why waste time begging for candy door to door when you can simply walk to the nearest pasticceria and buy fabulous sweets? However, there is a direct translation for Trick or Treat - "dolcetto scherzetto".
My Halloween plans this year consisted of taking the train to Milan, and meeting up with some friends. This proved to be more difficult than I imagined - for I had no prior knowledge of Milan's metro system. Instead of taking the direct route to my ultimate destination at the Duomo, I took a roundabout way that took an hour rather than the ten minutes it should have. I finally found my way there, thanks to a very helpful security guard at the one of the stations.
I had been given very specific directions from a native Milaner (Lisa - thanks for the tip!) to visit what was supposed to be the most fabulous creperia in all of Italy located near downtown Milan. After asking two book clerks, a bellhop, and an extremely helpful elderly lady in the subway station how to locate the creperia, we made the fifteen minute trek through downtown Milan in a downpour of freezing cold rain - only to discover the creperia was closed. We were disappointed - until we found an equally fabulous ( and warm, and dry) cafe across the street.
This year for Halloween, I was an Italian.

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