Friday, December 3, 2010

Tis' the Season

December has arrived and with it the Holiday spirit. Christmas trees, lights, and decorations are going up - and snow is coming down.
Arches of tiny twinkling lights are draped across the narrow winding streets of downtown Cantu, and the castle is lit with strands of brightly glowing lights that outline the ancient structure, making it stand out even more as it towers over the town. Flashing signs with holiday greetings of "Auguri!" and "Buon Natale" line the crowded streets as people meander from window to window, admiring the bright new displays.
I am in Como, and have some free time before my bus leaves, so I stroll along the perimeter of the lake, admiring the effect of the neatly lit trees reflections on the glassy black water. Houses outlined by minute lights dot the surrounding hills, only just barely visible through the snow. It has been snowing for a couple days now, and the air has a distinct wintry chill that leave my cheeks bright red. I pull my coat tighter around me, bracing myself against the cold and decide to cut my walk short. I head for a nearby cafe where I order a hot chocolate which arrives seconds later, steaming hot beneath a blanket of whipped cream. Italian hot chocolate has the consistency of undried cement, and has to be eaten with a spoon. I make quick work of my hot chocolate, savoring every last spoonfull and using my finger to scoop up the last of the whipped cream. As I wait in the cold for my bus to arrive, a man with an accordion nearby begins to play Christmas songs, and a small crowd of bag-laden shoppers forms around him, listening. As snow whipped around me and the sound of accordian music filled the night, i couldnt help but thinking - this is going to be a really great Christmas season.

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