Saturday, September 18, 2010


Fridays no longer bring that since of long-awaited weekend relief that I’ve grown accustomed to after ten years in the American public school system. Now, being enrolled at E. Fermi Liceo Scientifico, I have school on Saturdays. And its going to take a while getting used to this whole six-day week thing.
School starts at eight AM Monday- Saturday, and end at either one or noon depending on the days’ schedule. Four hours of school can seem like a LONG time…when its all in Italian. At first, I was unable to understand most of what was going on in Philosophy ( good v evil maybe?), calculus (circles?) or anything about Latin. Slowly but surely, words began to emerge from the backdrop of Italian babble and I was able to grasp the main idea, if not comprehend what was going on. Everyday my Italian gets better, and I’ve been bringing home the headaches to prove it. My notebook is overflowing with conjugation charts, notes on pronouns and their usage, and miscellaneous vocabulary. I'm just now starting to get to the point where I can think a little in Italian - although  it is hesitant and simple. While it may be some time before I can discuss Neo-Platanismo at legnth with my fellow classmates, I become a little more confident with the language everyday.
So, after what may come to be known as the Longest Week of My Life Ever, I can finally say,

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