Thursday, January 27, 2011

This Omnivore's Dilemma

The dilemma. It happens every time you pass a cafe or pasticceria, its window warm and full of inviting displays of creative cakes and enticing cookies, just begging you to come in. And who are you to pass up such an opportunity? Why, who knows the next time you'll see a pasticceria this you go in. You're immediately immersed in warm bakery air, thick enough to be a dessert in itself. The lady behind the counter smiles at you with a smile sweet as her desserts and gestures to the counter, asking you to take what you want. And you do...because she just seems so nice and now you have to take something. The counter is full with row upon row of tiny pasticcini, brioche, cookies, chocolates, strudels, cakes and a rainbow of every sweet imaginable, and its all yours. Like a good exchange student, you want to try new things, and so select a few of the more imaginative confections, resisting the urge to simply ask for one of everything. The lady fills a bag with your selections, and frowns slightly, brows furrowed. Is that it? Well, you don't want to be rude...and so you take a few more. It cant hurt right? So hand over the money, trying not to wince at the fact you just payed ten euros for pastries, when the lady suggests they would taste even better with a hot chocolate. And its true, what goes better with chocolate than more chocolate? And besides, the lady has been so helpful, you just cant say no. You consent, and pay a further two euros to receive an enormously rich portion of hot chocolate to consume with your artisan pastries. But it doesn't end there.
Upon leaving the pasticceria, you spot yet another gorgeous window display tauting different pastries than the former...not wanting to pass up such an opportunity, you go in with the full intention of looking, and only looking.Your efforts however, are futile and you leave also here having purchased an entirely ridiculous amount of artisan chocolates and pastries, and chase them down with a euro-fifty cappuccino.  This shop too is occupied by an excessively friendly Italian woman with a very heavy Sicilian accent, and you're not quite sure what shes saying but its beautiful and spellbinding, and now you're paying her...and you've just bought ten more euros worth of food. The hypnotic quality of the Italian pastry shop is inescapable, and you too are spellbound by the enchanting combination of coffees and sweets. So you give in, knowing that you cant eat it all, and knowing you should be saving your money for other things, but you do it anyway. And it makes you happy, all that chocolate and cream... so its okay.
This, is the omnivore's dilemma.

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