Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Conflict of Interests

The first two weeks of living in Italy have been crazy busy! There’s always a church to see, a new town to visit, and I’m trying to learn a new language, so spare time has been sparse. I hadn’t had time until Monday to get back on my running regimen. My idea of a daily run recently has been my daily run to the gelato shop, so needless to say it was time for some exercise.
Running in Italy could possibly be an extreme sport. Firstly, there is the challenging terrain.  The roads are sketchy and thoroughly pot-holed, making it necessary to do some pretty serious weaving to avoid breaking an ankle. Sidewalks are few and far between, so taking the streets is about the only choice I’ve got. And then there’s the drivers- Italians don’t feel the same need to go the speed limit as in most places, so I’m on constant alert for speeding Fiats en route.
Although it is a difficult route, it couldn’t be more rewarding. I run past scenic cornfields, old Italian villas, and some of the post picturesque Italian streets imaginable. The best part – I can see the alps throughout most of my route! I’m lucky – not everyone gets to run in the company of Italy’s majestic snow-capped peaks. The cool climate is perfect for a long run, dry air with a distinctly crisp chill. Excellent for an afternoon run.
The idea of running is in stark contrast of many traditional Italian ideals. Firstly, why even bother eating all that fabulous food if you’re just going to run it right off again? And secondly, why run? You don’t have to be anywhere…why rush anything at all, even exercise?  
Maybe I can have my cake…
And eat it, too.

1 comment:

  1. A couple thoughts.....

    To compliment the Slow Food movement, maybe you could start the "Slow Foot" movement - for joggers who enjoy the "pace" of an Italian workout.

    I was once told by an Italian (who really liked to drive), the speed limit signs are really not limits, but more like suggestions or recommendations. So, runners beware!
